This class will be used in the game view to control the birds. it should inherit from the sprite class (it’s easier this way for when you use this class later in Game view) and should override these functions:
o init( ) : should contain file name for the image associated with the birds. It should also initialize all other properties associated with the birds (position, speed).
o Update( ): This will contain logic about how the birds move in the game. This method will be called later in the update method of the gameView class
This class will be used in the game view to control the birds. it should inherit from the sprite class (it’s easier this way for when you use this class later in Game view) and should override these functions: o init( ) : should contain file name for the image associated with the birds. It should also initialize all other properties associated with the birds (position, speed). o Update( ): This will contain logic about how the birds move in the game. This method will be called later in the update method of the gameView class