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Closed brooklyngyal closed 1 year ago

brooklyngyal commented 1 year ago

GitHub Galaxy 2023: our global customer program

GitHub Galaxy 2023 is a major pipeline driving program, aiming to bring together decision makers from customers and prospects for a highly focused and thoughtfully curated day of learning. A collaboration between the Marketing, Revenue and Corporate Events teams, Galaxy accelerated FY23 pipeline, influenced pipeline for FY24, and amplified the GitHub brand virtually and across 10 cities around the world.


The program included:

Target audience: Customers and prospects mainly from our Enterprise and Mid Market segments, with an emphasis on Managers / Technical decision makers

Messaging themes: Flexible & Productive / Secure & Reliable / Efficient and Collaborative

Key learnings & takeaways

There is a resurgence in our customer’s desire for in person connection - The energy in the room was electric - conversations were buzzing and connections were forming as specially curated cohorts of executive decision makers around the world came together to discuss shared challenges and opportunities. The breakout sessions were packed with meaningful exchanges and insights and the peer to peer networking reception was a highlight for many. Galaxy provided an opportunity to connect in person with valuable customers at scale, both driving conversations forward in force and giving customers an extra boost of high value connection.

Curating messaging for a focused audience is powerful - As we built out the Galaxy strategy, we were extremely intentional about serving a focused audience - our technical decision makers - so that all messaging and storytelling could be precisely curated towards their needs. This targeted group was able to form cohorts amongst their peers in the breakouts, finding connection through shared industry challenges and opportunities.

Decision makers want access - access to GitHub thought leaders and experts, access to quick and accurate information. LT and XLT took over 55 EBC meetings with important stakeholders around the world influencing $7.6M in closed won revenue and $16.2M in open pipeline to date. We leveraged the momentum around Galaxy to coordinate local customer dinners and regional-based user groups to continue the engagement and create opportunities for deeper connection.

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Efficient flexibility is the key to success - We created a scalable, modular program so that we could be adaptable in a balanced way. Regional differences required adjustments to format city-by-city, while efficient budgets required a templatized approach. Our regional marketing leaders made thoughtful programming choices, from using breakouts to connect and customer stories to amplify, unique to each city. From a production standpoint, we built stage kits and supply crates to travel between cities so we didn’t have to start from scratch each time.

This audience deserves a white glove touch - We set out to provide an impeccable experience from start to finish. Everything from the quality of coffee to the agenda flow of the day was intentionally curated to ensure that our customers felt appreciated and taken care of. GitHub distinctly stands apart in the experience we provide, and that feeling of authentic appreciation for our community has become synonymous with our brand.

What about Galaxy in FY24? - Based on the positive customer feedback and revenue impact in FY23, we are bringing Galaxy back for FY24! We plan on taking our learnings from this past year and refining the program to make it even more impactful for GitHub and our customers this fiscal year. Be on the lookout for more formal plans and how you can get involved in the coming months!

Individual city recaps

Interested in reading more about each city program? Check out the full recaps:



Thank you’s ✨

It truly takes a village to bring a program like this to fruition. So many incredible folks, hubbers and our amazing customers, were involved in making GitHub Galaxy happen. So to all of you a :sparkles: MASSIVE THANK YOU :sparkles: Special shoutouts to our partners across Marketing & Growth, Revenue, Product, Engineering, all our speakers, hosts, local volunteers, the leadership team and all other teams supporting! We can't wait to see what we can do together for Galaxy this coming year :rocket:

AlaineN commented 1 year ago


AlaineN commented 1 year ago
