brookshi / Hitchhiker

a Restful Api test tool
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启动连接11010 端口失败? #291

Open mullerhai opened 5 years ago

mullerhai commented 5 years ago

1. What went wrong (哪里出错)? Please describe what went wrong (请描述bug的具体表现) [ERROR] default - nodejs stress process - error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED [2019-02-27 10:11:04.712] [ERROR] default - nodejs stress process - close 1006:

2. Steps to reproduce the problem (重现步骤): Clear and concise reproduction instructions are important for us to be able to triage your issue in a timely manner (简洁清晰的重现步骤能够帮助我们更迅速地定位问题所在)

3. What is the expected behavior (期望表现)? Please describe the expected behavior (请描述期望表现)

4. Did this work before (之前是否正常)? [Yes, No, N/A] [是,否,之前没用过]

5. Environment (环境):

6. Additional Information (e.g. Screenshots, Links) (补充信息,截图,链接等) Add any other context about the problem here (补充具体的上下文信息)

yarn run v1.13.0 $ node scripts/build.js Creating an optimized production build... ts-loader: Using typescript@2.3.3 and /opt/Hitchhiker/deploy/Hitchhiker/client/tsconfig.json Failed to compile.

Error in /opt/Hitchhiker/deploy/Hitchhiker/node_modules/@types/koa-compose/index.d.ts (10,18): error TS2315: Type 'Middleware' is not generic.

7 | import * as Koa from "koa"; 8 | 9 | declare function compose<T, U, V, W>( 10 | middleware: [Koa.Middleware<T, U>, Koa.Middleware<V, W>] ----------------------^ 11 | ): Koa.Middleware<T & V, U & W>; 12 | 13 | declare function compose(middleware: Array<compose.Middleware>): compose.ComposedMiddleware; 14 |

Error in /opt/Hitchhiker/deploy/Hitchhiker/node_modules/@types/koa-compose/index.d.ts (10,40): error TS2315: Type 'Middleware' is not generic.

7 | import * as Koa from "koa"; 8 | 9 | declare function compose<T, U, V, W>( 10 | middleware: [Koa.Middleware<T, U>, Koa.Middleware<V, W>] --------------------------------------------^ 11 | ): Koa.Middleware<T & V, U & W>; 12 | 13 | declare function compose(middleware: Array<compose.Middleware>): compose.ComposedMiddleware; 14 |

Error in /opt/Hitchhiker/deploy/Hitchhiker/node_modules/@types/koa-compose/index.d.ts (11,4): error TS2315: Type 'Middleware' is not generic.

8 | 9 | declare function compose<T, U, V, W>( 10 | middleware: [Koa.Middleware<T, U>, Koa.Middleware<V, W>] 11 | ): Koa.Middleware<T & V, U & W>; --------^ 12 | 13 | declare function compose(middleware: Array<compose.Middleware>): compose.ComposedMiddleware; 14 | 15 | declare namespace compose {

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error Command failed with exit code 1.