brookshi / Hitchhiker

a Restful Api test tool
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linux系统部署Hitchhiker有部署文档的链接吗, 这个链接报404 #294

Open jyl4944204 opened 5 years ago

jyl4944204 commented 5 years ago

1. Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. (这个功能是为解决什么问题) A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Explain your use case, context, and rationale behind this feature request (请尽可能详尽地说明这个需求的用例和场景)

2. Describe the solution you'd like(请描述你期望的结果) A clear and concise description of what you want to happen (简单清楚的描述你期望的结果)

3. Additional context (补充信息) Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here (截图,链接等)

y1376001532 commented 4 years ago