brosseaualex / Hydrocraft

Hydrocraft Mod for Project Zomboid
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Can't equip Hydrocraft tools/weapons to belt/back etc. #8

Open brosseaualex opened 4 years ago

brosseaualex commented 4 years ago

List of all examples that can be found for this issue.

Current known;

scotchdanny commented 4 years ago

Aluminium bat Baseball bat with hedge cutter blade Jack knife Quarterstaff Box cutter

selrahc13 commented 4 years ago

Vanilla items_weapons.txt includes an additional line in the item definition for attachment slot

AttachmentType = [type]

Where [type] is BigWeapon for two-handed axes and Hammer for hand axes. There are some other new fields added as well. It looks like DamageCategory and DamageMakeHole have also been added. I presume DamageMakeHole operates WRT clothing items. For example, here is the Vanilla definition for a Hand Axe from 41.21:

item HandAxe
    MaxRange    =   1.4,
    WeaponSprite    =   HandAxe,
    MinAngle    =   0.65,
    Type    =   Weapon,
    MinimumSwingTime    =   3,
    KnockBackOnNoDeath  =   FALSE,
    SwingAmountBeforeImpact =   0.02,
    Categories  =   Axe,
    ConditionLowerChanceOneIn   =   15,
    Weight  =   2,
    SplatNumber =   2,
    PushBackMod =   0.3,
    SubCategory =   Swinging,
    ConditionMax    =   10,
    MaxHitCount =   2,
    DoorDamage  =   20,
    SwingAnim   =   Bat,
    DisplayName =   Hand Axe,
    MinRange    =   0.61,
    SwingTime   =   4,
    KnockdownMod    =   2,
    SplatBloodOnNoDeath =   FALSE,
    Icon    =   AxeHand,
    BreakSound  =   BreakWoodItem,
    TreeDamage  =   15,
    CriticalChance  =   15,
    CritDmgMultiplier = 5,
    MinDamage   =   0.7,
    MaxDamage   =   1.5,
    BaseSpeed = 1,
    WeaponLength = 0.35,
    DamageCategory = Slash,
    DamageMakeHole = TRUE,
    AttachmentType = Hammer,
brosseaualex commented 4 years ago

Yep, this is pretty much the only thing that needs to be added to HC tools and weapons comptible with Build 41

Thanks for the details!