Open brosseaualex opened 4 years ago
Aluminium bat Baseball bat with hedge cutter blade Jack knife Quarterstaff Box cutter
Vanilla items_weapons.txt includes an additional line in the item definition for attachment slot
AttachmentType = [type]
Where [type] is BigWeapon for two-handed axes and Hammer for hand axes. There are some other new fields added as well. It looks like DamageCategory and DamageMakeHole have also been added. I presume DamageMakeHole operates WRT clothing items. For example, here is the Vanilla definition for a Hand Axe from 41.21:
item HandAxe
MaxRange = 1.4,
WeaponSprite = HandAxe,
MinAngle = 0.65,
Type = Weapon,
MinimumSwingTime = 3,
KnockBackOnNoDeath = FALSE,
SwingAmountBeforeImpact = 0.02,
Categories = Axe,
ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 15,
Weight = 2,
SplatNumber = 2,
PushBackMod = 0.3,
SubCategory = Swinging,
ConditionMax = 10,
MaxHitCount = 2,
DoorDamage = 20,
SwingAnim = Bat,
DisplayName = Hand Axe,
MinRange = 0.61,
SwingTime = 4,
KnockdownMod = 2,
SplatBloodOnNoDeath = FALSE,
Icon = AxeHand,
BreakSound = BreakWoodItem,
TreeDamage = 15,
CriticalChance = 15,
CritDmgMultiplier = 5,
MinDamage = 0.7,
MaxDamage = 1.5,
BaseSpeed = 1,
WeaponLength = 0.35,
DamageCategory = Slash,
DamageMakeHole = TRUE,
AttachmentType = Hammer,
Yep, this is pretty much the only thing that needs to be added to HC tools and weapons comptible with Build 41
Thanks for the details!
List of all examples that can be found for this issue.
Current known;