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The cost of building the networks should also be included in the comparison. #9

Open asdavey opened 11 years ago

asdavey commented 11 years ago

If the purpose is to educate on the differences I think it may be disingenuous not to include the proposed costs of building each network - $37.4 billion for Labor and $31 billion for the Coalition (I may have remembered those figures wrong). I would guess that a lot of Coalition voters will have it drummed into them that Coalition's option is cheaper. My hope would be that when comparing the difference in price vs what you are getting it would make clear that Labor's policy gives better bang for buck.

You could also compare other financials like expected monthly subscription, expected return to the government, etc. Though those figures will probably harder to come by or be more contentious.

freman commented 11 years ago

You should also highlight the fact that the Coalition price is built on top of the existing cost and work already done by the Labor party, but the Coalition doesn't include this already completed work in their estimate.