Sorting the rootLine in BreadcrumbListAspect.php results in an array sorted by pid and does not reflect the hierarchical structure of the rootline. The exepected behaviour would be to reverse the order of the entries in $rootLine, not to resort the rows.
Sorting the rootLine in BreadcrumbListAspect.php results in an array sorted by pid and does not reflect the hierarchical structure of the rootline. The exepected behaviour would be to reverse the order of the entries in $rootLine, not to resort the rows.
Example structure: Home (UID 1, PID 0) Page 1 (UID 2, PID 1) Subpage 1 (UID 33, PID 2) Sub-Subpage 2 (UID 22, PID 33) Sub-Sub-Subpage 4 (UID 111, PID 22)
Expected Breadcrumb Listitems:
Resulting now with