Open broukema opened 4 years ago
I found this (along a lot of ugly hacks) in my old thesis preamble:
This is actually then natbib that makes the superscript.
This was in a memoir
documentclass, if that matters.
@rubenvb Thanks for checking! :) It doesn't solve my problem though.
I think my problem is somewhere between a journal-specific variation on natbib.sty and hyperref.sty. There has to be a hack in the source that should solve this...
I gave up trying do this the LaTeX way and instead did a postscript hack:
sed -e 's/SDict begin 0 H.L end/SDict begin 10 H.L end/' paper-tmp.eps > paper-superscript-refs.eps
before running ps2pdf
This works for me for this specific purpose for my particular font sizes.
There are some related issues at and in case anyone asks you again. :)
@rubenvb Did you manage to solve this problem: - "How do I increase the size of the hyperlink on a superscript numerical citation with natbib?"
I'm trying to chase up a similar problem. "raiselinks=true" in \hypersetup does not solve this for me.