brown-SSW / brown-solar-charger

This program monitors a solar power system and runs a physical and online dashboard.
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plan website dashboard #5

Closed joshua-8 closed 3 years ago

joshua-8 commented 3 years ago

after planning, make issues for website components that need to be made, and an issue for exactly what is expected to be in the json data. Make sure to say how the json data should define the scale or units of it's data. Think about what data should be showed in graphs, and what intervals. Should graphs be over constant lengths of time, or should a daily graph extend as the day goes by?

joshua-8 commented 3 years ago

hourly power generation-filled line graph overlapping-hourly power use daily power generation-bar graph, overlapping?-daily power use hourly battery percent-line graph real time power generation -dial real time power use-dial real time battery charge-dial real time status - text "active" or "out of power" if the data is unavailable display a warning that the station is down for technical issue cumulative real time Co2 saved (miles of driving, gallons/m^3 of natural gas) -numerical counter cumulative real time approximate number of computers charged (estimate power) -numerical counter

vskbellala commented 3 years ago

I've outlined JS functions to serve the following purposes:

All this code to modify the page and render plots runs in a function called "callback," which executes every time loadJSON is called. In terms of what to do next, I would like to fully implement status messages/indicators and css/js gauges to display various statistics that wouldn't go on a graph. I also intend to finalize general styling for our plotly visuals over this next week.

Any suggestions for specific aesthetics to have would be greatly appreciated!