brown170 / x4i

The EXFOR Interface
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Remaining parsing errors #18

Open brown170 opened 3 months ago

brown170 commented 3 months ago
    Error                   Num.   Example                                                                      Entry
    IndexError              5      pop from empty list while processing "SUBENT        33128003"                331/33128
                                   pop from empty list while processing "SUBENT        33156003"                331/33156
                                   pop from empty list while processing "SUBENT        23552002"                235/23552
                                   pop from empty list while processing "SUBENT        23453002"                234/23453
                                   pop from empty list while processing "SUBENT        14299001"                142/14299
    InstituteParsingError   1      'Can not parse institute "[\'INSTITUTE  (3INDTHO,3INDMUA,3INDJCB)\']",...    A04/A0456
    ReactionParsingError    1      'Can not parse reaction "(" (part of "[\'(6-C-12(N,2N)6-C-11,,SIG,,SPA...    128/12885
    TypeError               1      sequence item 42: expected str instance, list found                          328/32811

    A0456.x4: 3INDTHO,3INDJCB not in Institutions dictionary (at least no my JSON version)

        MONITOR    (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG))     <- extra ")"

        MONITOR    (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG))     <- extra ")"

        MONITOR    (92-U-235(N,F)42-MO-99,CUM,FY)  EPS=0.171 ( see MISC-CO      <- unclosed comment paren

        MONITOR   1((MONIT)92-U-235(N,F),,SIG)/(3-LI-6(N,T)2-HE-4,,SIG))
                  2((MONIT)92-U-235(N,F),,INT)                                  <- unclosed paren
        MONITOR    (94-PU-240(0,F),PR,NU) = 2.20+-0.03)   <- extra ")"

        MONITOR    (6-C-12(N,2N)6-C-11,,SIG,,SPA)
               Reaction 31P(n,x)28Mg was used as secondary monitor
                (0.47 +/- 0.14 mb, see subentry 16, determined
               relative to 12C(n,2n)11C), and then used as monitor for
               other reactions. In effect, all cross sections are
               normalized to 12C(n,2n)11C.

        "(0.47 ..." tricking parser into thinking a second reaction is coming.

    32811.x4: undiagnosed issue parsing author list (possibly it is parentheses in "Yang Li(a)" and "Yang Li(b)")
brown170 commented 3 months ago

with the exception of the errors in 128885.x4 and 32811.x4, all were confirmed to have been typos in the EXFOR library itself