browneyedsoul / remnote-plugins

A Curated List of RemNote plugins
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Long strings do not fall in next line automatically, hence making tree very large. #29

Closed vivekmehtaindore closed 1 month ago

vivekmehtaindore commented 1 year ago



browneyedsoul commented 1 year ago

Give it a try this. apply this css snip on top of your tree

.rn-editor-container [data-rem-container-tags~=tree] .whitespace-pre-wrap,
.rn-editor-container [data-rem-container-tags~=treec] .whitespace-pre-wrap {
  white-space: pre-wrap;
  overflow-wrap: break-word;

And to be honest, RemTree is not aiming for long, long texts because of problems including lazy loading, line-break, you said atm. ... So in that case, I would recommend you to use a tree with references which can pop up your content.


vivekmehtaindore commented 1 year ago

Apologies I'm not much of a coder, how do I exactly accomplish this? Could this code piece be part of original Plugin itself?


browneyedsoul commented 1 year ago

You can just copy and paste to your blank CSS Codeblock and it will work!