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Rems with folded content/subrems don't get the black triangle/arrow point indicating it. #36

Open cmvalma opened 4 months ago

cmvalma commented 4 months ago

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 10 21 46

In the pic, only 2 rems have the collapse/uncollapse triangle. But there are actually four of the displayed rems that have more content (that is collapsed). Thus, we think they are empty, but I just found out they are not.

Even hovering over the text won't show up the triangle (some other times hovering over it makes the triangle show up but very dimmed/greyed out).

I realised these rems have some content by chance: by accidentally pressing the Command+down arrow while the cursor was on "Common errors of annotators" (then I ckecked the others and saw that the next one also has some content, but not the last one). See: Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 10 36 52

The red dash at the left margin just indicates another subrem that also has some content/subrems but no indicator (triangle) is displayed either.

This is happening everywhere. In some other cases, the black triangle is displayed when hovering on the text (just very dimmed and with at least part of it behind the first letter/s of the text), and we can (hardly) see it if we pay close attention and/or zoom in (literally) the text.

browneyedsoul commented 1 month ago

Can you elaborate this with gif(mp4) please? It will be helpful to reproduce your case. Or, Can I ask you a simple remnote page which is containing your problem? (You can export it with remnote specific format

