brownhci / WebGazer

WebGazer.js: Scalable Webcam EyeTracking Using User Interactions
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How to use removeMouseEventListeners #316

Closed Maxolus closed 1 year ago

Maxolus commented 1 year ago

Hello I have a question,

for an application that temporarily doesn't display a mouse pointer (rotation of a 360 video) I don't want to give inputs the training data. I found in the docs removeMouseEventListeners but a call to webgazer.removeMouseEventListeners() still causes the localForage storage to be filled with values.

Any help is appreciated. Greetings Max.

Maxolus commented 1 year ago

Update: I realized that I called webgazer.removeMouseEventListeners() too early (before the API was fully started, so the listeners were not yet registered). With a delayed call (after 5 seconds) I was able to reach my goal and disable the mouse input.

Greetings Max.

jeffhuang commented 1 year ago

Thanks for letting us know the issue! I'm glad you got it resolved.