brownmagik352 / BoolaBooks

iOS app for BoolaBooks
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User can start a chat from detailed listing view #63

Closed brownmagik352 closed 7 years ago

brownmagik352 commented 7 years ago
brownmagik352 commented 7 years ago

related to #65?

brownmagik352 commented 7 years ago

Scenario: Start a chat about a listing and have it be visible by the correct people Given a listing exists from user ""

This will create a new listing with id 2 (first one is created in the given condition)

And I log in with email "" and password "password"
When I send a POST request to "/api/v1/conversations/start" with the following:
    { "listing_id" : 2 }
Then the response status should be "200"
And the response schema should match "conversation"
Given I log in with email "" and password "password"
When I send a GET request to "/api/v1/conversations/2"
Then the response status should be "200"
And the response schema should match "conversation"
Given I log in with email "" and password "password"
When I send a GET request to "/api/v1/conversations/2"
Then the response status should be "200"
And the response schema should match "conversation"
Given I log in with email "" and password "password"
When I send a GET request to "/api/v1/conversations/2"
Then the response status should be "403"
brownmagik352 commented 7 years ago

having big problem with getting the channel to actually close