Closed vvscode closed 1 year ago
As continue to
I faced a problem, when locally(on Mac) everything works, and on CI (Linux) - not I got Error:resolvemust be run directly as an executable
must be run directly as an executable
after some investigation I discovered that
// DEBUG PATCH console.log('@@resolve debug info:', JSON.stringify({ npm_lifecycle_script: process.env.npm_lifecycle_script, argv: process.argv, __filename, ino1: fs.statSync(process.argv[1]).ino, ino2: fs.statSync(__filename).ino, _: process.env._, realpathSync: fs.realpathSync(path.resolve(process.env._)) }, null, 2), { version: pkg.version}); // --------- if ( String(process.env.npm_lifecycle_script).slice(0, 8) !== 'resolve ' && ( !process.argv || process.argv.length < 2 || (process.argv[1] !== __filename && fs.statSync(process.argv[1]).ino !== fs.statSync(__filename).ino) || (process.env._ && fs.realpathSync(path.resolve(process.env._)) !== __filename) ) ) { console.error('Error: `resolve` must be run directly as an executable'); process.exit(1); }
gives me different results in section _ (process.env._)
_ (process.env._)
On Mac (locally):
➜ tmp npx resolve 123 @@resolve debug info: { "npm_lifecycle_script": "resolve", "argv": [ "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node/20.6.0/bin/node", "/Users/v.vanchuk/repo/tmp/node_modules/.bin/resolve", "123" ], "__filename": "/Users/v.vanchuk/repo/tmp/node_modules/resolve-with-debug/bin/resolve", "ino1": 4677520, "ino2": 4677520, "_": "/Users/v.vanchuk/repo/tmp/node_modules/.bin/resolve", "realpathSync": "/Users/v.vanchuk/repo/tmp/node_modules/resolve-with-debug/bin/resolve" } { version: '1.22.10' } /Users/v.vanchuk/repo/tmp/node_modules/resolve-with-debug/lib/sync.js:115 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '123' from '/Users/v.vanchuk/repo/tmp'
On Linux (I used github codespaces to reproduce):
@vvscode ➜ /workspaces/codespaces-blank $ npx resolve 123 @@resolve debug info: { "npm_lifecycle_script": "resolve", "argv": [ "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.6.1/bin/node", "/workspaces/codespaces-blank/node_modules/.bin/resolve", "123" ], "__filename": "/workspaces/codespaces-blank/node_modules/resolve-with-debug/bin/resolve", "ino1": 1453838, "ino2": 1453838, "_": "/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin/npx", "realpathSync": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.6.1/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js" } { version: '1.22.10' } Error: `resolve` must be run directly as an executable
Steps to reproduce:
npm init -y
yarn add resolve@latest
yarn run resolve 123
npx resolve 123
As continue to
I faced a problem, when locally(on Mac) everything works, and on CI (Linux) - not I got
resolvemust be run directly as an executable
after some investigation I discovered that
gives me different results in section
_ (process.env._)
On Mac (locally):
On Linux (I used github codespaces to reproduce):
Steps to reproduce:
npm init -y
withyarn add resolve@latest
yarn run resolve 123
npx resolve 123