my config is below... the initial bundle takes around 5000 ms, then the next one takes 800, then it creeps up to 1000, 1200, 1500, 18000, 3000, etc. etc. This is just adding/removing a single character from one of the source files.
Using iojs v1.6.4
function bundle(b){
var b = browserify({
cache: {},
packageCache: {},
fullPaths: true,
debug: true
b = watchify(b);
gulp.task("scripts", function(){
b.on('update', function(args){
b.on('time', function (time) {
console.log("optimized bundle took: " + time + "ms");
my config is below... the initial bundle takes around 5000 ms, then the next one takes 800, then it creeps up to 1000, 1200, 1500, 18000, 3000, etc. etc. This is just adding/removing a single character from one of the source files.
Using iojs v1.6.4