browserify / watchify

watch mode for browserify builds
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Doesn't create output directory automatically #269

Closed moander closed 9 years ago

moander commented 9 years ago
$ rm -rf static
$ watchify main.js -o static/bundle.js
{ [Error: ENOENT, open 'static/bundle.js'] errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', path: 'static/bundle.js' }
mattdesl commented 9 years ago

This is also an issue with browserify, since it dosen't use mkdirp to try and recursively create folders for output.

browserify index.js -o static/bundle.js
-> ENOENT ...
ghost commented 9 years ago

I would not expect a tool I use to implicitly create subdirectories if I give it a path and subdirectories don't exist. I can't think of any tools that work that way aside from mkdir -p.

moander commented 9 years ago

Most modern tools seems to create it's output dir automatically.. Especially when it comes to compiler-like stuff, and nice-to-have tools like this. I guess that's why I thought this was a bug and not a feature.

technicallyfeasible commented 8 years ago

there should at least be an option to have it create the directory automatically

thedanheller commented 8 years ago

I double your disappointment

inca commented 7 years ago

Why closed? No reasoning, no explanation, no nothing 😥

James-E-Adams commented 7 years ago

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