My watchify installation seems to only detect file changes sometimes. It works for a few minutes and after that it just doesn't respond to file changes anymore.
I run watchify like this:
watchify js/test.js -o js/test_bundle.js --debug
I'm on windows 7, and all my packages are very recently installed, as I have only just started using node.
Since it works for a few minutes but then it doesn't, that sounds like a chokidar issue. It may be a windows thing. I'd try looking through the issues there. I'd also try turning on polling since that usually gets around any system issues.
My watchify installation seems to only detect file changes sometimes. It works for a few minutes and after that it just doesn't respond to file changes anymore.
I run watchify like this:
I'm on windows 7, and all my packages are very recently installed, as I have only just started using node.