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It seems that the SSL cert has expired #173

Closed dxr27kejj closed 7 years ago

dxr27kejj commented 7 years ago


I'm getting "Error: CORS request rejected:" error on

@jfhbrook @voronianski

IllyaMoskvin commented 7 years ago

Seconded. Chrome says NET::ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID

Looks like the site was secured with Let's Encrypt, so you should be able to set up a cron job to renew it automatically. Assuming that the certbot-auto script is inside the home directory of whatever system user account is responsible for administering the website, try running:

~/certbot-auto renew

...and if that works, I think adding this cron job to that user should take care of it:

0   0   1   *   *   ~/certbot-auto renew --quiet --no-self-upgrade > /dev/null 2>&1

That should try to renew the cert at midnight on the first day of every month.

If root is the user administering the certificate, you'll need to replace ~/certbot-auto with /root/certbot-auto. If it's a non-root account, and ~/certbot-auto doesn't work for some reason, try replacing it with /home/[username]/certbot-auto. Sorry, you guys probably already know this.

It's been a while since I've set up Let's Encrypt, so I might have gotten some details wrong.

Edit: I've read through some of the old issues. Based on this tutorial, it looks like the --ngnix flag was indeed needed for the installation, but is unnecessary for renewal.

IllyaMoskvin commented 7 years ago

In the meantime, if you are pressed for development time, here's how you download whatever script's breaking your page:

curl -k > change-case.js

The -k (or --insecure) option will ignore certificate errors.

jfhbrook commented 7 years ago

There's already a cron job, it's just apparently broken.

this happened at a really bad time because I just went through a disk failure and I have a fever at the same going to be a bit before I can dig in even assuming I can recover the SSH key.

jfhbrook commented 7 years ago

My fever broke, my parts got here, DR went smoothly, and I was able to manually run the certbot renewal and try a minor adjustment to see if that helps the cron job run better.

Apologies for the inconvenience.