browserpass / browserpass-extension

Browserpass web extension
ISC License
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Feature request: git commit new & changed passwords #347

Open tennox opened 2 months ago

tennox commented 2 months ago

General information

Exact steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Create password via extension UI
  2. Save
  3. Check git status in ~/.password-store

What should happen?

Created file should be committed

What happened instead?

untracked file, no commit

gotjoshua commented 2 months ago

same with chromium - no commit nor push

maximbaz commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the feature request! Although browserpass is not using pass under the hood (the only dependency today is gpg), we do like to be compatible with it - pass doesn't do git pushes, but it does indeed do git commits, so we should consider this as well. I'll transfer this to the extension repo for more visibility, since if we were to do it, it's likely going to involve extension changes as well (e.g. to configure location of git binary).