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Profane words are not filtered from names #109

Open waddlesplash opened 11 years ago

waddlesplash commented 11 years ago

Joined the game, was in for <5s and I saw someone with a name that had swearwords in it.

justinclift commented 11 years ago

Which game/server did you join?

lzbk commented 11 years ago

I would tend to think that this is more an administrator problem than a code problem. Have you tried contacting the administrator of the server you joined ? NLP is complicated, even more so in multilanguage, which is a direction we might be going towards and which seems more urgent to me. Especially since swearwords filtering is hardly ever fullproof. Users who want to use profanity will do so, if they really want to. On the forums I know where profanity is filtered, users add characters in the middle of the words and use them all the same :, shit*, sh_it, etc. If this is really an issue to you, I suggest you host your own browserquest and try to use the API provided by or any other. You should include it here and there and you're all set (except for all the people that are smarter than a word filters, which is not that uncommon…)

waddlesplash commented 11 years ago

@justinclift I joined @lzbk this was not a word with .s, _s, or any other substitution. At least you should be able to catch that.

Like this, see? bad

justinclift commented 11 years ago

Interesting. It probably wouldn't be too hard to add code for checking username/password against various types of "acceptable". Swear words, password complexity, and other things.

Would need to be configurable, so each site could set things up how they want.

    eg, custom word list, custom password complexity

lzbk commented 11 years ago

@waddlesplash: even if "we" were able to catch "that", that would not change what happens on as they do not use this code but that one… I understand why you felt this was not appropriate. All the same, like I said, I've grown kind of pessimistic with automated censorship of profanity, but if you want to add the feature, you're most welcome. Any help in functionality development always is. I like how @justinclift describes the feature, it could be nice indeed. I already pointed towards one point where you can test the name chosen by the player, the choice whether to use the test could be put in the config_files here. Unless you want the server to handle that (the player chooses a name, it is sent to the server which tests it and reacts), in which case tell me, I'll point you towards other code sections.