broxus / locklift

Node JS framework for working with Everscale and Venom contracts. Inspired by Truffle and Hardhat. Helps you build, test, run and maintain your smart contracts.
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 31 forks source link

Some updates #9

Closed Cyace84 closed 2 years ago

Cyace84 commented 2 years ago
  1. Refactored code.
  2. Locklift looks for project-level locklift.config if no other path is passed. Added -disable-build, network to locklift.config.
  3. Added new commands: genphrase, deployAccount, getBalance, transfer, showCode, runSandbox, killSandbox
  4. Moved user keys from locklift.config to keys.json with mnemonic autogeneration.
  5. Embed popular utils of utils.js in locklift: const empty tvc, shorcuts for transfer, get balance, deployAccount, showCode, validateAddress. Utils is now a class, existing utilities have been moved to class methods.
  6. In almost all commands, such options as Network, Config, and others have become optional. Values ​​are taken from the config or by default
ilyar commented 2 years ago

it PR wil be support here

30mb1 commented 2 years ago

Nor relevant due to major update