brpaz / ulauncher-github

Ulauncher Extension that provides quick access to common GitHub functionality like your repositories or gists.
MIT License
45 stars 12 forks source link

Unexpected API error. KeyError: com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github #1

Closed AnasR7 closed 5 years ago

AnasR7 commented 5 years ago


i just got this error..

and cannot to add github to my extension.

brpaz commented 5 years ago

Hello. Please install "pygithub" python package like explained in the README. It should work then.

AnasR7 commented 5 years ago

I have already tried pip install pygithub via sudo.

and still get this error

this is my sc: image

brpaz commented 5 years ago

Can you try to remove the extension and install it again? If it does not work, close Ulauncher, and run it from the command line: ulauncher -v and paste it there any errors you could find in the output.

ironicbadger commented 5 years ago

python-pygithub is installed (running Arch with Plasma).

2018-12-29 01:07:53,956 | INFO | prefs_extension_add() | Add extension:
2018-12-29 01:07:54,666 | INFO | ulauncher.api.server.ExtensionRunner: _run_process() | Extension "com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github" started. PID 13172
/home/alex/.cache/ulauncher_cache/extensions/com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github/ PyGIWarning: Notify was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.
  from gi.repository import Notify
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/alex/.cache/ulauncher_cache/extensions/com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github/", line 10, in <module>
    from github import Github, GithubException
ImportError: No module named github
2018-12-29 01:07:54,739 | ERROR | ulauncher.api.server.ExtensionRunner: _run_process() | Extension "com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github" exited instantly with code 1
2018-12-29 01:08:01,627 | INFO | prefs_extension_update_prefs() | Update extension preferences: {'pref.kw_search': 'ghsearch', 'callback': '__jp4', 'pref.access_token': '75cd33fd73879fe63136dadbf01af7695df2e91f', '': 'gh', 'pref.kw_gists': 'gists', 'id': 'com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github', 'pref.kw_repos': 'ghrepos'}
2018-12-29 01:08:01,628 | ERROR | on_scheme_callback() | Unexpected API error. KeyError: com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ulauncher/ui/windows/", line 160, in on_scheme_callback
    resp = rt.dispatch(self, scheme_request.get_uri())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ulauncher/util/", line 49, in dispatch
    return callback(context, url_params)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ulauncher/ui/windows/", line 368, in prefs_extension_update_prefs
    controller = ExtensionServer.get_instance().get_controller(ext_id)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ulauncher/api/server/", line 76, in get_controller
    return self.controllers[extension_id]
KeyError: 'com.github.brpaz.ulauncher-github'
brpaz commented 5 years ago

@IronicBadger I think you might have installed the wrong package.

pip install PyGithub
rajalokan commented 5 years ago

Just installing pygithub using pip didn't solve for me. Removing extension form ulauncher and re-installing again did the trick. Thanks.

estorbito commented 5 years ago

BTW check the log (ulauncher -v) and search devdocs errors. In my case, python-requests was missing on my system.