brson / wasm-opt-rs

Rust bindings for Binaryen's wasm-opt
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Miscellaneous notes on #95

Closed dtolnay closed 2 years ago

dtolnay commented 2 years ago

It doesn't necessitate it, you can write them as self: Pin<&mut ModuleReader> instead of self: Pin<&mut Self> if you want, even with multiple extern types in the block. Using a block per type is a good idiom though.

This sounds like after going high enough in the API, far enough removed from the original incorrectly-nonconst method, things happened to work out. It's great that it worked out but I suspect you got somewhat lucky here regarding the specific structure of this API.

Generally you would want to fix an incorrectly-nonconst situation at as low a level as possible, as close as possible to the original incorrect-nonconst C++ code. A more general purpose idiom for binding incorrectly-nonconst functions safely using cxx is to pass &UniquePtr<T> from Rust to C++, receive it as std::unique_ptr<T> const& in C++, then use T* operator->() const (*) which turns a const unique_ptr into a non-const T.


extern "C++" {
    type Thing;

    fn incorrectly_nonconst(thing: &UniquePtr<Thing>, arg: bool) -> i32;
// lib.cpp

int32_t incorrectly_nonconst(std::unique_ptr<Thing> const&, bool arg) {
    return thing->incorrectlyNonconst(arg);

Yep, and the way to avoid a copy is by passing Pin<&mut CxxString> from Rust to C++, receiving it as std::string&, and calling std::move. let_cxx_string! (which you are already using) produces a local binding of type Pin<&mut CxxString>, so the deref from that to &CxxString in your Rust code is what forces a copy to be done afterward in C++.

You can plug in your own catching logic to make C++ catch any kind of type on all signatures in the binding. See the very bottom of You'd stick the following somewhere in your shims.h or any other header include!ed in the FFI extern block:

namespace rust::behavior {
  template <typename Try, typename Fail>
  static void trycatch(Try &&func, Fail &&fail) noexcept try {
  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
  } catch (const wasm::ParseException &e) {
  } catch (const wasm::MapParseException &e) {
brson commented 2 years ago

This sounds like after going high enough in the API, far enough removed from the original incorrectly-nonconst method, things happened to work out. It's great that it worked out but I suspect you got somewhat lucky here regarding the specific structure of this API.

This is true. We do all our work in one big blast, in a run method. The underlying const correctness doesn't matter because it never escapes this function. I'll try to add some nuance to the text.

brson commented 2 years ago

Generally you would want to fix an incorrectly-nonconst situation at as low a level as possible, as close as possible to the original incorrect-nonconst C++ code. A more general purpose idiom for binding incorrectly-nonconst functions safely using cxx is to pass &UniquePtr<T> from Rust to C++, receive it as std::unique_ptr<T> const& in C++, then use T* operator->() const (*) which turns a const unique_ptr into a non-const T.

I filed to try this in a future release. I think I can explain it in the blog post.

brson commented 2 years ago

Generally you would want to fix an incorrectly-nonconst situation at as low a level as possible, as close as possible to the original incorrect-nonconst C++ code. A more general purpose idiom for binding incorrectly-nonconst functions safely using cxx is to pass &UniquePtr<T> from Rust to C++, receive it as std::unique_ptr<T> const& in C++, then use T* operator->() const (*) which turns a const unique_ptr into a non-const T.

Can this pattern be adapted to work on methods, or does this require operating only on free functions?

dtolnay commented 2 years ago

You'd need the wrapper to be a free function because C++ member functions don't have anything similar to Rust self: &Box<Self> methods receivers. But the underlying API called by the wrapper function can be a member function.

brson commented 2 years ago

I've also filed an issue to avoid string copies in shims.

brson commented 2 years ago

Ok, I believe I have addressed all issues here. Everything is reflected in the blog post, even if some I have punted to a future milestone to actually resolve in the code.

Thank you very much for your help.