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Setting up a GraphQL server on Cloud Run #168

Open brucemcpherson opened 2 months ago

brucemcpherson commented 2 months ago

In a recent article Puppeteer, Cloud Run and GraphQL together I covered a GraphQL  API for Pupeteer hosted on Google Cloud Run. This is publicly available for you try out.

This article will cover all you need to know to get your own version running in your own Cloud Project.

You’ll find scripts here in the shells folder of the repo for every step, and of course you can repurpose them for any service you want to setup.

What you’ll learn How to do the following general gcloud operations Create GCP projects Assign billing accounts to projects Create service accounts and assign permissions Create and manage secrets Build an image with Cloud Build Deploy to cloud run and consume secrets in your service Consume secrets in your own ephemeral terminal sessions

In addition, you’ll learn about how to create your own Cloud Run Service with the sample Puppeteer, Cloud Run and GraphQL together app, as well as how to integrate with Redis and execute GraphQL queries and use the GraphIQL UI.

Article here