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Search cDataSet.xlsm:isbnExample by intitle+inauthor+inauthor vs. isbn #33

Open jstimmer opened 4 years ago

jstimmer commented 4 years ago

Hi Bruce, New to your cDataSet.xlsm code (actually generally quite green and using your site to get kickstarted); I've been trying to convert the isbnExample to search by intitle+inauthor+inauthor vs. isbn and hoped someone could help me figure out what I'm doing wrong..

So far I've basically copied/modified the VBA module into a new "bookTitle" module such that (it doesn't break the isbn query and) reads in titles from a new "TitleAuth" sheet but I can't figure out how to add two additional API request attributes to the google books query so it would support two "inauthor" attributes... Without fully understanding your 'sWire' (function?) you'll find I tried to add the two additional cXXXcolumnHeadings there but it's not working.
[Query for title alone works if the following is deleted from the processISBN function: & "+inauthor:" & cAUTH1ColumnHeading & "+inauthor:" & cAUTH2ColumnHeading]

Any tips are greatly appreciated - and thank you for sharing so much knowledge via desktop liberation!


brucemcpherson commented 4 years ago

I don't think you need to change the code at all. The google books api accepts multiple args in the query sttring as in

so all you have to do is construct the query to include all the terms you need, and if I remember correctly getting particular fields in the sheet is just a matter of adding their field names as headers to the target sheet. I haven't looked at this for a long time, so I may be wrong, but the idea is that no coding should be needed irrespective of the rest api response.