brucepro / Memoir

Memoir+ a persona extension for Text Gen Web UI. That includes memory, emotions, command handling and more.
MIT License
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RAG error unstructured #23

Closed BahamutRU closed 3 months ago

BahamutRU commented 3 months ago


magic.magic.MagicException: b"line I64u: regex error 14 for `^[[:space:]]class[[:space:]]+[[:digit:][:alpha:]:_]+[[:space:]]\{(.[\n])*\}(;)?$', (failed to get memory)"

BahamutRU commented 3 months ago

By the way, a tesseract-ocr error popped up when I started it, but I installed it, reinstalled pytesseract and the error went away. Windows 10. And I catch this.

brucepro commented 3 months ago

Was there a ton of files in the dir and you ran out of memory?

BahamutRU commented 3 months ago

119 files (html and php), 1,26 MB total. No out of memory.

BahamutRU commented 3 months ago

Work with 78 files (only php), 528 KB.

BahamutRU commented 3 months ago

Okay, I add all files step by step (117 files, 572 KB, then 2 files, 562 KB), and it's work. Sry! =)