brucepro / Memoir

Memoir+ a persona extension for Text Gen Web UI. That includes memory, emotions, command handling and more.
MIT License
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no such table: short_term_memory #54

Closed LuizLoyola closed 2 weeks ago

LuizLoyola commented 2 weeks ago

I set up the extension on the extensions directory, set up qdrant and this error happens when I try to prompt.

I set it up without docker locally, I'm running qdrant in a different machine, but the memoir_config.json is pointing to the correct IP/Port, and it works from the browser in the same url, so that doesn't look like the problem.

This is the full error:

File "K:\text-generation-webui\extensions\Memoir\memory\", line 27, in get_short_term_memories_not_indexed
    cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM short_term_memory WHERE saved_to_longterm=0 LIMIT {limit}")
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: short_term_memory

Couldn't find anything related in the other issues, can anyone help?

brucepro commented 2 weeks ago

Looks like the sqlite3 database didn't get formed in the storage directory and the table written. Verify the database exist in storage\sqlite This table should be created when the system saves a conversation to the sqlite database.

LuizLoyola commented 2 weeks ago

I tried it around and the "Assistant" character works alright, it was my custom character who errored. After deleting and creating again, it worked fine.

Thanks for the help!

brucepro commented 2 weeks ago

I should do better sanitizing of the character database names, I am working on this and removing the name and just using a reference id. Thank you for the help!