bruceyboy24804 / No-Pollution

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translate not work #4

Closed Twotoolus-FLY-LShst closed 2 months ago

Twotoolus-FLY-LShst commented 5 months ago

`Options.GROUP:PollutionToggles,오염 여부 선택

Options.OPTION:NoisePollution,소음 공해 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:NoisePollution,소음 공해 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값)

Options.OPTION:NetPollution,넷 오염 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:NetPollution,넷(도로) 공해 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값)

Options.OPTION:GroundPollution,토양 오염 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:GroundPollution,토양 오염 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값)

Options.OPTION:BuildingPollution,건물 오염 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:BuildingPollution,건물 오염 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값이며 대부분 다른 오염시 필요함)

Options.OPTION:GroundWaterPollution,수질 오염 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:GroundWaterPollution,수질 오염 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값)

Options.OPTION:AirPollution,대기 오염 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:AirPollution,대기 오염 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값)

Options.OPTION:WaterPipePollution,하수 오염 Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:WaterPipePollution,하수 오염 허용 여부를 정합니다 (체크시 허용 및 바닐라 값)`

is not working in game. check please.

thank you!

Twotoolus-FLY-LShst commented 5 months ago


bruceyboy24804 commented 4 months ago

@Twotoolus-FLY-LShst can you update translations now please

bruceyboy24804 commented 4 months ago

can you update your translation so it looks like this @Twotoolus-FLY-LShst

Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:NoisePollution,Allow noise pollution or not (checked means pollution is active and when unchecked will remove existing pollution) Options.OPTION:NetPollution,Net Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:NetPollution,Allow net (road) pollution not (checked means pollution is active) Options.OPTION:BuildingPollution,Building Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:BuildingPollution,Allow buildingadd pollution (checked means pollution is active, required for most other pollution types) Options.OPTION:GroundPollution,Ground Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:GroundPollution,Allow ground pollution or (checked means pollution is active and when unchecked will remove existing pollution) Options.OPTION:GroundWaterPollution,GroundWater Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:GroundWaterPollution,Allow water pollution or not (Checked means pollution is active) Options.OPTION:WaterPipePollution,WaterPipe Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:WaterPipePollution,Allow waterpipe pollution or not (checked means pollution is active) Options.OPTION:AirPollution,Air Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:AirPollution,Allow air pollution or not (checked means pollution is active and when unchecked will remove existing pollution) Options.GROUP:PollutionSliders,Pollution Sliders Options.OPTION:NoisePollutionControler,Noise Pollution Options.OPTION_DESCRIPTION:NoisePollutionControler,Control the % of pollution that is being produced

Twotoolus-FLY-LShst commented 4 months ago

done. I hope to work =D