brucknerp / jpn_gen_pop

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Project Issue 3/20 #10

Open gmd29 opened 6 years ago

gmd29 commented 6 years ago

We spent a lot of time with our website over the past week. We have the bare bones of everything we need for our website. In addition, Paige did a bit of write up and added a css stylesheet to the site. I fixed a mistake with the boiler plate link in some of the pages but that messed with the css and things are a bit out of line. I will adjust that tonight or tomorrow and over the next week we will put more information on our site and start using XSLT to put our songs up. We will use styling to make the features we marked stand out and we want to make it so that when you hover over the feature it shows aspects of that feature (i.e. gender, politeness etc.). But the mouse-hovering will come later.

danakaufhold commented 6 years ago

I really like your website - the color scheme is really nice and it looks like it will be very clean once you get it fixed up. How exactly do you plan on displaying your songs - will you show full lyrics, or just the relevant ones? I think the hover idea is a good one and one that I've been toying around with when we get to uploading our data, so if you guys would want to bounce code off one another I'd definitely be down :-)

JosephDRogers23 commented 6 years ago

What other aspects of the site do you think you'll have in Japanese, as opposed to English? I didn't know until class today that you could do list numbering in Japanese - do you think you'll incorporate that in your site? Second on @danakaufhold 's coment - I enjoyed looking at your site today!!

mtm80 commented 6 years ago

I realize that your investigation is about the gendered language of these songs but might there be any aspect that is reflected in the melody of the music? If so, is there any way to work this into your analysis?