brucknerp / jpn_gen_pop

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Project issue 2/28 #8

Open gmd29 opened 6 years ago

gmd29 commented 6 years ago

This week, Paige finished all of the feature markup on the songs. I did not have as productive a week as I would like but I am plugging through the structural markup and if all goes well, all markup should be done by tomorrow. We talked about what we want our website to look like. But sadly I have not yet gotten anything up on the server.

For after spring break, I will definitely have a site up. Paige, Angela and I will discuss how we want to implement XSLT tomorrow at our meeting now that we know how to use that wonderful tool.

rmb165 commented 6 years ago

That's great that you finished all of the feature markup! That is great progress. As for the website, it's super helpful to put in filler text so that you aren't pressured to have all of the content on your website immediately, and then as you finish creating the content, you can put it in the website.

Idi0teque commented 6 years ago

Good luck with the website! Any ideas on what exactly your site will look like re: organization? Like, what will the tabs be, what kind of background will you use, etc.?

mtm80 commented 6 years ago

The Alice in Translation team has a nice-looking background for their site set up. Do you have any aesthetic preferences for your site? Like the Turkish music project, you might want a background on the page that sets the stage for your topic.

enb34 commented 6 years ago

I'm impressed that you've finished all your feature markup! I'm curious to know if you have any ideas about how you'll let viewers interact with these features within the text of the songs.