brug-be / railsgirls_guide

New Rails Girls guide
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Point out difference in URL after moving the introductions.html to public folder #19

Closed wrtsprt closed 6 years ago

wrtsprt commented 8 years ago

In the Rails part of the guide (Part II) we move the introductions.html into the /public folder of the Rails project. We tell the students to load the page using a different URL than before.

Before they opened the file:// URL in the browser, now it is localhost. This is a major difference and one of the points we're trying to bring across with this guide.

We should add a paragraph pointing them to this difference, and maybe adding a short explanation as well.

wrtsprt commented 6 years ago will make this issue obsolete, since we're not going to move the file anymore at all. We'll paste the content to avoid potential problems and hiccups moving, and avoid using the command line more than absolutely necessary.