bruhautomation / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs

(OBSOLETE) ESP8266 MQTT JSON Digital LEDs for Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
511 stars 268 forks source link

Problem with Home Assistant #109

Open Abgehoben opened 5 years ago

Abgehoben commented 5 years ago

Hello Guys, At the beginn, sorry for my bad english.

I also startet with this project and have some Problems with Home Assistant i guess, My Home Assistant start normal with the basic standart configuration.yaml, but when I copy the one from the Project (with the updatet one) the Home Assistant dont start or show up. I install Home Assistant on Windows and my MQTT is from cloud.mqtt. can some one help me pls? I dont know if you need more informations or not. I say Thank you ^^

Rawet commented 5 years ago


I recently found out that Home Assistant have changed how to setup MQTT..

This is how you fix it:

  - platform: mqtt
    schema: json

This is the old way:

  - platform: mqtt_json

If this doesn't fix your problem you have probably an issue with your config, doublecheck your config with an YAML validator and post your config here.

Abgehoben commented 5 years ago

Hello Thank you for your Help, Already had the config. And a Yaml validator say its all ok? Thanks in Advance.
