bruhautomation / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Digital-LEDs

(OBSOLETE) ESP8266 MQTT JSON Digital LEDs for Home Assistant
Apache License 2.0
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Outdated codes and not getting the leds to turn on #116

Closed medelay closed 4 years ago

medelay commented 4 years ago

I have found out a few errors with this project. The most of witch i have found workarounds for.

There is in de code for on the Esp in the code it says: MILION wich i edited and changed to: 1000000. It uses an old Json library in the arduino IDE wich i changed to 5.0 so that is also fixed.

The code for Home assistant is old and home assistant does not take in the code for automations only if you put in automation old:

But the strangest thing i saw in your video is more code than i see on here wich i found in older code. So the ESP fires up and says its connected to mqtt broker. But what ever code i manualy try to send to it the leds dont turn on.

Why do i send them manualy for two reasons first is that the code for the sliders in home assistant UI do not work anymore and i cant get it to work properly either. Second reason is to just test and see if the code works wich it does not seem to do.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.