bruhautomation / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Multisensor

(OBSOLETE) ESP MQTT JSON Multisensor for Home Assistant. Supported sensors include the TEMT6000 light, AM312 PIR, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensors. RGB led supports flash, fade, and transition. Over-The-Air (OTA) uploading, too!
Apache License 2.0
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Bad data send when reboot #20

Open wanghuangjie opened 7 years ago

wanghuangjie commented 7 years ago

{"state":"OFF","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":255,"humidity":"0.00","motion":"motion detected","ldr":"0","temperature":"0.00"} {"state":"OFF","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":255,"humidity":"0.00","motion":"motion detected","ldr":"757","temperature":"0.00"} {"state":"OFF","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":255,"humidity":"0.00","motion":"motion detected","ldr":"757","temperature":"86.00"}

Multisensor will send "0" when reboot, please help if there is any solution .

jumpalottahigh commented 7 years ago

Hi. I seem to have a similar issues - the multisensor does not report humidity for some reason. Everything else works fine and I know it's not a faulty sensor, since I tested it separately, and also tested with a second DHT22 sensor. Will look into this today and let you know if I figure something out.


jumpalottahigh commented 7 years ago

Double check your code, I had a spelling mistake (although the program would still compile). Had a float newHumValue =; which should have been float newHumValue = dht.readHumidity();. No idea how that happened, but everything works like a charm.