bruhautomation / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Multisensor

(OBSOLETE) ESP MQTT JSON Multisensor for Home Assistant. Supported sensors include the TEMT6000 light, AM312 PIR, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensors. RGB led supports flash, fade, and transition. Over-The-Air (OTA) uploading, too!
Apache License 2.0
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Light "blinking" #50

Open lassivv opened 6 years ago

lassivv commented 6 years ago

Problem is i use only one led strip on one "rgb" channel. Because that is normal white strip. I use home assistant white color and only change brightness.

Problem is every time when i put led on that blink (i think full power some period maybe 10-30ms and after that be normal). After about 5-10s do same and continue that forewer. If put light off or pwm 0 then strip be totally shutdown.

Not can use that lighting because that blinks every 5-10secs that 10-30ms full power pulse.