bruhautomation / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Multisensor

(OBSOLETE) ESP MQTT JSON Multisensor for Home Assistant. Supported sensors include the TEMT6000 light, AM312 PIR, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensors. RGB led supports flash, fade, and transition. Over-The-Air (OTA) uploading, too!
Apache License 2.0
340 stars 152 forks source link

Integration with Homeassistant #54

Closed manojjenago closed 6 years ago

manojjenago commented 6 years ago

Hi Ben, I have configured as per the video. I can see the responses in Serial Monitor of Arduino. I have made changes to configuration file( I am using Hassio). I have installed the mosquito mqtt broker. { "plain": true, "ssl": false, "anonymous": true, "logins": [ { "username": "homeassistant", "password": "xyz1234" } ], "customize": { "active": false, "folder": "mosquitto" }, "certfile": "fullchain.pem", "keyfile": "privkey.pem" } My led turns on for the first time and after 2-3 seconds the switch again toggles automatically and all other sensors are shown as "Unknown". (but in Serial Monitor I can see the responses). Also when I start the mosquito in hassio as add-in .

starting version 3.2.2 1523878259: mosquitto version 1.4.12 (build date 2017-06-01 13:03:48+0000) starting 1523878259: Config loaded from /etc/mosquitto.conf. 1523878259: Opening ipv4 listen socket on port 1883. 1523878259: Opening ipv6 listen socket on port 1883. 1523878259: Warning: Mosquitto should not be run as root/administrator. 1523878267: New connection from on port 1883. 1523878268: Socket error on client , disconnecting. 1523878268: New connection from on port 1883. 1523878268: New client connected from as fdea50aa-3554-4925-b218-dd7056436b62 (c1, k60, u'homeassistant'). Please suggest ... I hope I am missing something here. I have also done a port forwarding 1883 port of my pi ip.

Also I see we only use here only 1 topic for light , motion and RBG is that correct?? Thanks , MJ

manojjenago commented 6 years ago

Just an update , I got it working by setting up the MAX packet size = 512. Also I was using the andrino.exe so the sketchbooks are located in a different location.

Thanks Ben for a wonderful video. Also a request can you please add to read the data from a soil Moisture Water Sensor ( Planning to add for automate the watering plants based on moisture..