bruhautomation / ESP-MQTT-JSON-Multisensor

(OBSOLETE) ESP MQTT JSON Multisensor for Home Assistant. Supported sensors include the TEMT6000 light, AM312 PIR, DHT22 temperature/humidity sensors. RGB led supports flash, fade, and transition. Over-The-Air (OTA) uploading, too!
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request - BME280 Sensor Support #60

Open cmacnichol opened 5 years ago

cmacnichol commented 5 years ago

Wondering how hard it would be to add support for the Bosch BME280 Sensor. Have a few on order, might give it a go myself once I get them. Really just wanted to see if anyone else has already done it or not.

The sensor supports Temp, Hum, and Pressure. All over and I2C connection.

Well, that and to see if there is any life left on this project. Seems like a lot of people are using it with HA, but this has not been updated in some time.

consolacion commented 5 years ago

it is in fact not so hard to do that. You need to connect it to the I2C pins. Standard these are D1 and D2. These are however taken up by the red and green pin. Though it is possible to use other I2C pins, it might be easiest to give the red and green pin other vales like D4 and D6. Then it is just a matter of adding the library, chosing the right mode and doing a read that you add to the JSON