bruinxiong / Densenet.mxnet

:fire::fire:A MXNet implementation of DenseNet(with BC structure):fire::fire:
Apache License 2.0
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About contribute densnet to Mxnet #4

Open qingzhouzhen opened 6 years ago

qingzhouzhen commented 6 years ago

Hi xiong, I used your densnet core code and fit it to the form as incubator-mxnet/example/image-classification/symbol, then I write the train code for distribute train(because memory of my GPUs is not large enough), the results as below: densnet_plot_cur Sorry for this picture, I cannot upload file beyound 10K, my code refer to Would you mind I push it to mxnet? I would describle my training indetail

bruinxiong commented 6 years ago

Hi qing, sorry, that picture is too blur that I can not see the detailed information. Open-sourcing is a good thing, I'm very happy to see my code can help you to understand densenet architecture. If you want push your code to mxnet, I only have one request, please refer and mention my code or my link when you push to mxnet. Thanks!

shiyuanyin commented 5 years ago

@bruinxiong 作者你好,我想改动一个新的结构,是在SE的地方改动的,有点困惑,mxnet 的symbol,不能直接得到bchw的值,需要根据当前bn3的输出得到bchw,然后reshape,操作,可是symbol只能在喂数据后才能得到每一层的形状 pytorch 的SGE,一个实现架构语句, 对应你提供的模型SE代码位置修改的话,symbol每一层bn3 后边的bchw,我直接得不到,我要mxnet,实现这句话,b, c, h, w = x.size(), x = x.reshape(b * self.groups, -1, h, w) 我对mxnet 不是那么熟悉,不知道作者你有没有好的方式实现这句reshape

下面是对应pytorch 实现

class SpatialGroupEnhance(nn.Module): # 3 2 1 hw is half, 311 is same size def init(self, groups = 64): super(SpatialGroupEnhance, self).init() self.groups = groups self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) self.weight = Parameter(torch.zeros(1, groups, 1, 1)) self.bias = Parameter(torch.ones(1, groups, 1, 1)) self.sig = nn.Sigmoid()

def forward(self, x): # (b, c, h, w) b, c, h, w = x.size() x = x.view(b self.groups, -1, h, w) ##reshape xn = x self.avg_pool(x) # x global pooling(h,w change 1) xn = xn.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) #(b,1,h,w) t = xn.view(b self.groups, -1)
t = t - t.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
std = t.std(dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-5 t = t / std # normalize -mean/std t = t.view(b, self.groups, h, w) t = t self.weight + self.bias t = t.view(b self.groups, 1, h, w) x = x * self.sig(t) #in order to sigmod facter,this is group factor (0-1) x = x.view(b, c, h, w) #get to varying degrees of importance,Restoration dimension return x

liuhangfan commented 4 years ago

@shiyuanyin 你好,请问你用mxnet实现了吗?我现在也遇到了这个问题

sky186 commented 4 years ago


bruinxiong commented 4 years ago

@shiyuanyin @liuhangfan @sky186 你们好,很久没有关注这个帖子了,抱歉才看到。已经转战TF平台了,我目前没有资源做进一步尝试。如果后面有的话,我会试试。不过在这之前,可以参考 @sky186 这位同学的实现。感谢 @sky186 同学的回复,我抽空看看你的代码哈。非常感谢大家!