brummer10 / Fluida.lv2

Fluidsynth as LV2 plugin
GNU General Public License v2.0
34 stars 4 forks source link

GUI window opens slowly #35

Open audio2000 opened 1 month ago

audio2000 commented 1 month ago

Linux Debian based distro GTK based Desktop Environment Fluida 0.9.2 LV2 plugin

Not sure if anyone else experiences this but when using this plugin it appears to load slowly when trying to open up its GUI window. I tried this in both Carla as well as Ardour 8.6.0 In Ardour after inserting this plugin into a track, when you go to open the plugins GUI window there is a long pause before the plugin window opens. In Carla same thing occurs but not as long of a wait as in Ardour.

I was just wondering if anyone else can verifiy if this is common / expected behavior? Does anyone else experience this? Most other plugins seem to load up GUI windows quickly.

Thank You

brummer10 commented 1 month ago

I can't reproduce that here. Fluida open as fast as any other plug here in ardour 8.6 I checked with official ardour with binary build from here and as well with ardour from the debian repository and a self build Fluida.

audio2000 commented 1 month ago

Okay, thank you for taking the time to test this out. I will try to see if I can narrow down why this is happening on my machine and no one elses.

audio2000 commented 4 days ago

As you mentioned you do not have time to work on anything but I figured I would just mention something I noticed. You mentioned you noticed no difference so this might not mean anything to you anyways, but I tried the previous release 0.9.0 & 0.9.1 and I noticed that these both open a lot quicker. Still a slight delay compared to other plugins, maybe 2 seconds, but feels okay. The version 0.9.2 as mentioned has a noticeable pause 7-9 seconds which feels strange when using it, happens every time the plugin GUI window is opened. Again it does not seem like anyone else is experiencing this so it might just be me. I am just using a standard SSD, maybe everyone else is using NVMe drives. Anyways, just wanted to point this out in case there were any coding differences added in the newer version of the plugin that might have caused this. Thanks Again