brummer10 / GxVmk2.lv2

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What amp is this sim based on? #2

Open cyrusadkisson opened 3 years ago

cyrusadkisson commented 3 years ago

You'd told me it was a Vox mkII a long time ago, but I can't find that model when I google.

Are you sure it's not the Vox VXII?

Edit: Also, does this amp have no pre-gain? The "volume" knob is a master out control?

brummer10 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I'm sure it's a MKII. I do it on request of a owner from one, he send me the schematic I used to create the plugin. Duno were I've it floating around right now.

brummer10 commented 3 years ago

So I found it, it's the Vox Preamp MK2 - Supreme, Conqueror, Defiant; Virtuoso.

cyrusadkisson commented 3 years ago

According to, after Vox's first (not so great) foray into solid state, they adopted a modularized system for its next run at it. So I'm guessing that this GxVmk2.lv2 module is just the pre-amp circuitry of that modularization.

While this sounds amazing clean -- it really is a sweet tone you've created here -- there is no breakup whatsoever, even with the volume knob cranked all the way up. Is that intentional? I'm a DSP lay man, but is it possible to add the amplitude limiting components to this plugin to get distortion? Is it possible to add something like that as a separate plugin after this plugin in the chain?

brummer10 commented 3 years ago

Yes, it's only the clean channel here. You should try it with the GxSuperFuzz in front when you need some distortion. They come from the same time area.
Alternative use the GxSuppaToneBender

cyrusadkisson commented 3 years ago

Ok so I love this vmk2 sim. It's probably the best clean plugin I've got, IMO. However, it stays completely clean at all times (which, I guess is to be expected).

But I've got a tone I'm trying to dial that has just a tiny, tiny bit of breakup in the clean tone. What plugin should I use to get that ever so slight sound of sizzling/breaking up without adding any additional character/EQ? (Most distortions have crazy EQ effects in addition to distortion.)

(GxBoobTube gets pretty dang close, but I can't quite dial down the distortion far enough to simulate what I'm going for )

Edit: Nevermind. I was able to dial down GxBoobTube low enough to get just a little bit of dig/sparkle on the strings when digging in without overdoing it. GxBoobTube (being ultra transparent) might be my new favorite plug.

brummer10 commented 3 years ago

You may also checkout the GxMultiBandDistortion, this one allow a very graduated saturation level.