brummer10 / guitarix

guitarix virtual versatile amplification for Jack/Linux
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NSM, restore muted? #126

Closed grammoboy2 closed 4 months ago

grammoboy2 commented 1 year ago

When using guitarix with NSM, the setting 'bypassed' is restored, but muted not, is there a reason for it?

It's interesting that Guitarix can be bypassed, you don't see it often in a JACK standalone application afaik.

edit: Guitarix has a lot of cli options, which probably should be saved in the Guitarix project file when under NSM, like mute.

Options like --rpcport, --rpchost, --display could be set with a environment variable maybe, reading with a simple getenv. Those could be set early in the environment or before launching the NSM server in the same terminal/ environment. . (GUITARIX_RPCPORT=PORT, GUITARIX_RPCHOST=HOSTNAME, GUITARIX_DISPLAY=DISPLAY)