brummer10 / guitarix

guitarix virtual versatile amplification for Jack/Linux
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Is it possible to select a preset via program step? #150

Closed dmgeurts closed 3 months ago

dmgeurts commented 3 months ago

I thought this was how I had set things up, but alas it's been a while. As opposed to a normal control switch?

The reason for asking is for pedals which have control change buttons (up/down) and a display showing the selected preset number. This would allow these displays to reliably display the matching preset. Reconfiguring the midi signal sent to a CC would break this link.

brummer10 commented 3 months ago

Maybe you could use qmidiroute to do that.

dmgeurts commented 3 months ago

Selecting presets via their order number directly via prg change ID of the selected program is currently not possible as Guitarix doesn't recognise these signals, but it does send out the number of the selected preset via MIDI out when a preset is selected/changed. Which makes me wonder why it's not using received program IDs as preset selection.

brummer10 commented 3 months ago

I didn't really understand what you mean. Guitarix using MSB/LSB messages to set the preset. Peek 2024-03-17 05-04

dmgeurts commented 3 months ago

Thank you, I'll have to have another go at figuring out why this stopped working for me.