brunch / auto-reload-brunch

Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch.
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Is it possible to have synchronised cross-device live reloading? #48

Closed Samirbekaert closed 9 years ago

Samirbekaert commented 9 years ago

Like so?

With yeoman/grunt this was great, because with a single tweak I could setup livereload so my changes were instantly visible on my desktop and tablet.

paulmillr commented 9 years ago

works already for me. not sure what's wrong with your setup.

es128 commented 9 years ago

@Samirbekaert Did you try this before asking about it? Should work out of the box

Samirbekaert commented 9 years ago

nevermind. Total newbie mistake. I was looking for localhost:3333 instead {my IP}:3333

Samirbekaert commented 9 years ago

We could probably pimp the readme with something like this:

Synchronised cross-device auto-reload Run ifconfig | grep inet and look for inet to discover your computer's IP address (e.g You can now run brunch watch --server and open your IP followed by port number 3333 on any device (e.g

es128 commented 9 years ago

@Samirbekaert maybe, but those instructions are more about how to generally access the brunch local web server (enabled via the --server switch) than anything specific to auto-reload. Perhaps the faq in the brunch docs could use something like this.