brunch / auto-reload-brunch

Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch.
88 stars 30 forks source link

Getting a WebSocket error in Chrome #72

Closed designermonkey closed 8 years ago

designermonkey commented 8 years ago
WebSocket connection to 'ws://my-domain:9485/' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED auto-reload.js:69

I have the site hosted on a vagrant box, brunch watch is running locally. I have tried the config option to set the server which has no effect also.

Any insight into this issue?

designermonkey commented 8 years ago

Ok, so I had to set the server value at the beginning of the document, and set it as follows:

        window.brunch = window.brunch || {};
        window.brunch.server = '';