brunch / jshint-brunch

Adds JSHint linting support to Brunch.
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JSHint on Windows #2

Closed SirZach closed 11 years ago

SirZach commented 11 years ago

When running jshint on a windows machine, it always compiles and doesn't complain. Jshinting the same code on a Mac or Linux machine will will behave as expected. This is a pretty serious issue, our Windows users keep committing code that breaks the build by accident. Thanks!

paulmillr commented 11 years ago

interesting, will take a look at this

SirZach commented 11 years ago

if it helps at all, we're able to run jshint from the command line specifying a config file that matches the options that we have set in our file. we may look into seeing if we can configure brunch to execute using that config file on our Windows machine as a plan B.

So to clear up my first comment, it's the jshint-brunch that seems to compile no matter what, no jshint as a standalone. Thanks!

paulmillr commented 11 years ago

reopen if still an issue

SirZach commented 11 years ago

I'm a terrible GitHub user, I don't see how to reopen this. Luckily, the newest version of WebStorm offers to JSHINT your code from a config file that we match to our