brunch / jshint-brunch

Adds JSHint linting support to Brunch.
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jshintrc file reading and warn_only option. #8

Closed loadx closed 10 years ago

loadx commented 10 years ago

Adds support for reading .jshintrc files.

Added option warn_only, if set to true then build process is no longer halted by jshint errors and a warning message is displayed instead.

loadx commented 10 years ago

Woops the finally was left over from before, likewise the instance var. Sorted, cheers for the heads up :)

paulmillr commented 10 years ago

throw will exit the process

paulmillr commented 10 years ago

and it also works with node domains

loadx commented 10 years ago

Awesome, i wasn't aware of that behaviour ill get it patched and push soon.

loadx commented 10 years ago

Patched, Apologies for the delay :(

jas commented 10 years ago

Nice work @loadx.

@paulmillr Would it be possible to get a version bump for this on npm?

es128 commented 10 years ago

@jas have you tried out the master branch? Can you confirm for us everything is working as you'd expect?

jas commented 10 years ago

@es128 Using a .jshintrc and the warn_only option are both working as intended. The only issue is Brunch the CoffeeScript source file was not compiled into /lib so I had to compile it manually to test.

es128 commented 10 years ago

@jas You want to run jshint on compiled CoffeeScript? Why?

Or do you just mean that was your workaround for testing the plugin in an all-coffee project?

jas commented 10 years ago

@es128 Sorry, my mistake. What I meant was when I installed from the master branch via npm, the module wasn't compiled to JS. Looks like this happens when publishing to npm though. This might be confusing for others using the git version — might be better to use postinstall instead of prepublish?

es128 commented 10 years ago

Ah, now I understand. postinstall would require coffee-script to be installed globally for each client, or as a dependency of each plugin, so we don't do that. We just try to keep the up-to-date compiled version in the repo (although I may be experimenting soon with having brunch require the coffee source directly to avoid all compiling).