brunch / postcss-brunch

Adds PostCSS support to brunch
MIT License
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Overwrite Brunch sourcemap with PostCSS sourcemap? #37

Closed jonny-harte closed 4 years ago

jonny-harte commented 7 years ago


At present a .map file is being generated but this appears to be from brunch and doesn't account for any postCSS (all styles are listed as index.css:1 in chrome dev tools). I've modified the file structure a bit so the brunch-config, node_modules etc. are in the root of a wordpress install but all the js, css etc is in a theme and compiled into the root of the theme (script.js & style.css). Heres my brunch-config.js.

    project = 'react-theme',
    path = 'wp-content/themes/' + project + '/';

exports.config = {
    files: {
        javascripts: { joinTo: 'script.js' },
        stylesheets: { joinTo: 'style.css' }
    modules: {
        autoRequire: {
            'script.js': [path + 'app/initialize']
    paths: {
        public: path,
        watched: [path + 'app', path + 'styles']
    plugins: {
        babel: { presets: ['es2015', 'react'] },
        browserSync: {
            files: [
                path + "**/*.php",
                path + "**/*.html",
                path + "/fonts/**/*.{eot,otf,svg,ttf,woff,woff2}",
                path + "/images/**/*.{gif,jpg,png,svg}",
                path + "script.js",
                path + "style.css"
            proxy: project + '.local'
        postcss: {
            from: path + 'styles/index.css',
            to: path + 'style.css',
            map: { inline: false },
            processors: [
                require('autoprefixer')(['> 5%']),
                    prop_white_list: [],
                    media_query: true
                require('css-mqpacker')({ sort: true }),
                    discardComments: { removeAll: true }

My folder structure is:


Just getting started with brunch so any tips advice would be much appreciated!

denysdovhan commented 7 years ago

Hi, @hartey11! Thanks for reaching out!

I've noticed this:

  discardComments: { removeAll: true }

Here is a docs for that option:

Brunch's source maps are generating as //-comments for JavaScript and /* */-comments for other languages. Seems like discardComments option removes these comments out of files. Try to disable this rule, that may help you.

jonny-harte commented 7 years ago

Hi, I removed it but I still didn't get the output I was expecting. Looks like the setup I was trying won't work. Ideally I'm for the following:

brunch watch: preCSS, autoprefixer & sourcemaps.

--production preCSS, autoprefixer, mqpacker, pxtorem & then the output file minified.

It looks like postCSS is run on the individual input files and not the output file? Currently mqpacker doesn't seem to combine all media queries if i inspect the output file

Jayphen commented 6 years ago

I appear to have the same issue – was this resolved?

jonny-harte commented 6 years ago

Sorry I'm not sure. I was experimenting with brunch and never used it in an a project in the end.

friday commented 6 years ago

This is a duplicate of which has been fixed pretty recently. It doesn't happen in the latest release.