brunob / leaflet.fullscreen

Leaflet.Control.FullScreen for Leaflet
MIT License
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Upgrade to screenfull 6.0.x #109

Closed pauloxnet closed 11 months ago

pauloxnet commented 1 year ago

A new version of screenfull has been released:

brunob commented 1 year ago

Not sure about this, since it's a breaking release

This package is now pure ESM. If you cannot easily move to ESM. Just stay on version 5.2.0. It's stable and fine.

BePo65 commented 11 months ago

screenfull v6 is a esm only version of screenfull. As the author states in the readme

If you cannot use ESM or need to support older browsers without using transpilation, use version 5.2.0.

As leaflet itself is yet far away from esm (see releases) that is also true for its plugins and for all packages used by this plugins (e.g. screenfull in leaflet.fullscreen).

=> Leaflet.fullscreen cannot use dependencies that are esm only (like screenfull v6).