brunob / leaflet.fullscreen

Leaflet.Control.FullScreen for Leaflet
MIT License
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pseudo fullscreen + toggleFullscreen bug #95

Closed Tobeyforce closed 2 years ago

Tobeyforce commented 2 years ago

Setting pseudoFullscreen: true and trying to toggle the fullscreen without using the official button seems to toggle the true fullscreen instead of the pseudo fullscreen. Is this intended? Using vue2-leaflet & adding the control this way:

          new window.L.Control.Fullscreen({
            position: "topright",
            pseudoFullscreen: true,
            forcePseudoFullscreen: true,

In a separate method, I run this:

toggleFullscreen() {
      //Attempting to toggle the fullscreen using a custom buttom
        const map = this.$refs.listingsMap.mapObject;
        // map.toggleFullscreen();
brunob commented 2 years ago

Just tested index file provided in the repo with these options :

            fullscreenControlOptions: { // optional
                title:"Show me the fullscreen !",
                titleCancel:"Exit fullscreen mode",
                forcePseudoFullscreen: true

Calling map.toggleFullscreen(true); in the console toggle the pseudo fullscreen as expected.

Are you using latest release ? Have you tried with a clean vanilla javascript example before reporting this ?

brunob commented 2 years ago

No feedback, closing, feel free to comment if needed.